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PCB Edge Plating

Edge plating is a technique of PCB manufacturing where the top and bottom side of the PCB is plated along the side walls. This technique provides better connection support for PCB applications where the board slides into the metal casing. Edge plating also improves the overall current-carrying capabilities of the board, providing edge connection as well as edge protection. 

PCB Edge Plating Options

When it comes to PCB edge plating, our customers have a couple of different variations to choose from. SMG offers both wrap edge plating and castellated edge plating for PCB applications. As with all of our services, both of these options deliver their own unique benefits. If you are interested in assistance, our team of experts at SMG can advise you on which edge plating service is right for you.

PCB Wraparound Edge Plating

Through additional routing operations after the initial drilling of a PCB, SMG Global is able to provide excellently crafted wraparound edge plated products. Compared to via-in-hole techniques, wrap edge plating can at times be the better choice for your PCBs due to the additional edge conduction capability that the process provides. Not every PCB provider offers this type of high-quality edge plating, but at SMG, we are committed to serving our customers’ needs and delivering outstanding results!

PCB Castellated Edge Plating

As opposed to wraparound edge plating, PCB castellated edge plating involves plating a series of drilled holes that are located along the PCB outline. Like wraparound edge plating, additional routing is required after drilling these holes. Our PCB edge plating castellations are useful for boards that are intended to be connected to a larger system. This is because the castellation technique allows for additional soldering.

Oftentimes competing PCB fabricators are unable to provide castellated edge plating services, despite the technique’s usefulness. PCB castellation edge plating requires a highly experienced team with a system that allows for repeatability. With many years under our belt, SMG offers the quality service you require, as well as a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

PCB Edge Plating Capabilities

Once you have chosen SMG Global as your PCB edge plating service provider, a wide range of fabrication options are at your disposal. We offer customized panel sizes, with maximum dimensions of 20″ x 24″. Additionally, finished copper thicknesses are available from 1 oz. to 5 oz., and the minimum conductor space and width is 0.004”.